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Phillip Chuor profile image


Finish Your Chores is built on a firm foundation of excellence - which will lead to exceptional customer service. I desire to build positive working relationships with all my clients. 


My passion for construction began at a young age all because of Legos. Before I even knew it, these toy building blocks began to lay the foundation of my future.


My work ethics came from watching my parents. They escaped from the Khmer Rouge era in the early 70's with my 5 older siblings. I was born a few years later in Southern California. My parents were able to achieve the American dream as they owned multiple Chinese restaurants and multiple donut shops that lasted until the late 80's. All 6 kids had worked at each restaurant to help my parents run a successful business. If you've never been in the "restaurant world," let me just say it's hard work - 24/7. The term "role models" do not begin to define who they were. Being able to witness my parent's hard work, sweat and tears, helped reinforced my foundation and it began framing in my career path to what I have today.  

My Core Values

  • Passion ~ To love what I do

  • Accountability ~ It begins with me

  • Integrity ~ Do what is right

  • Excellence ~ Be my best


With over 20 years of experience working in the public sector for two (2) Southern California Building and Safety Departments as a Senior Building Plans Examiner and Senior Permit Technician, over 15 years in architectural design, structural detailing, energy and green reviews, accessibility consulting and  construction management, and the Senior Architect - Senior Accessibility and ADA Specialist and the Subject Matter Expert (SME) for a large consulting firm managing a team of experts across the US,  I possess a high level of expertise in multiple fields and provide building code analysis for almost all types and sizes of projects. 

My professional exposure and experiences listed above provided the pathway in grasping the importance of what I call: "building code knowledge" and "field knowledge" in the construction industry. With these real life experiences in both areas, it fueled my personal passion in design, construction, home improvements, as well as creative builds.  

In the due diligence field of work, I've been involved in all aspects of property evaluation, property assessment, portfolio management and maintaining client relationships. My experience has been focused on accessibility and property condition assessments (also known as PCA's) for property transfers, financing and acquisition of multi-family properties, hotels, warehouses, retail centers and office buildings the last few years.


Bachelor, Architecture

Bachelor, Construction Management

Associate, Computer-Aided Drafting and Design
Associate, Architecture and Music

License & Certifications
Registered CASp, No. 708
ADAC, 61181604-4617
ICC Plans Examiner, 5223583-I6
ICC Building Inspector, 5223583-B5
ICC Commercial Building Inspector, 5223583-I1
ICC Residential Inspector, 5223583-J1
ICC Permit Technician, 5223583-14
TN Certified Inspector-Codes Inspector (TCI-CI), 3455


Certified Access Specialist Institute (CASI)
ADA Coordinator Training Certification Program (ACTCP)(ADAC)
International Code Council (ICC) - LA Basic Chapter
International Code Council (ICC) - Orange Empire Chapter
California Building Officials (CALBO)
California Commission of Disability Access (CCDA)
Disability Rights California (DRC)
California Solar and Storage
Association (CALSSA, previously CALSIA)

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ICC Member logo


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